Tips for 'feeling blue'

You've snooped your alarm 5 times before you carefully step foot out of bed.
You can feel it in everything, this is not going to be your day...
You don't even dare to look in the mirror, so you drag yourself into the shower. In the meantime, your boss has already called you twice. All your underwear is in the wash, the bread is gone and your bicycle key is lost.
Everyone recognizes these kinds of days. That just nothing works out and nothing wants to happen. SUITE702 combats such days and that is why we have three tips for 'blue days':
Tip 1: warmth
Find some extra warmth. A hot water bottle on your stomach, large pink bunny slippers and liters of hot tea on your desk. Heat makes it easier for our body to relax and unwind, so be sure to take that warm blanket with you to the office!
Tip 2: log out
It is common knowledge that we look at our screen far too much. So log out a little earlier. Turn on some music on your phone or finally grab those LP records that are slowly gathering dust in your cupboard. Ditch Netflix and crawl into bed with your comfiest pajamas (and yes, Christmas pajamas are allowed on days like these).
Tip 3: also log out mentally
Mentally, it is also very important to log out every now and then. We are always on, always going. Take a deep breath in and out and then leave everything as it is. Give your partner or your bedMATE a big hug. Light a candle on your bedside table and let yourself be carried away by an exciting book.
We call the whole concept of logging out and relaxing in bed Bed Peace. A simple idea but oh so important.
Read these three blogs for even more Bed Peace inspiration:
1. How do you give your bedroom that wonderful slow life vibe?
2. bedMATE, the best buddy that ensures your bed peace
3. We can't promise you world peace, but a goodnight sleep is a hell of a start